8450 HiCKMAN ROAD #14 CLIVE, IA 50325
(515) 240-0333
Check out what my clients have to say! More to come!
When I first contacted Synergy, I was suffering severe lower back pain due to degenerative disk disease and a pinched nerve which was causing radiation of numbness, tingling, burning and severe pain to radiate from my lower back to my leg and foot. I had seen 3 different neurosurgeons (2 wanted to perform surgery), a chiropractor, a neurologist who performed acupuncture, and I underwent several weeks of physical therapy. My back pain persisted and, as a physician, I reviewed as much research as I could. When I discovered that major research has found that massage therapy is more effective than all of the above (unless you truly have something that needs to be repaired), I contacted Synergy. After my first one hour session of deep tissue massage, I felt better than I had in over 5 years! Just a few sessions later, I was back on my rollerblades, swimming and playing with my dogs. I have referred several patients to Missy Malmberg and every one of them has benefited from her treatments. As both a physician and one who suffers from chronic back pain, I would recommend Synergy to my family, my patients, and… most of all… myself!!
Dr. David Flagel, M.D.- Des Moines
First let me explain that I'm very unconvinced and have serious reservations about "alternative therapies" in medicine in general. With that disclaimer, I can tell you that Synergy Massage has made a huge difference in my quality of life. In the 1990's I suffered a lower back injury that periodically seriously limited my freedom of movement. For several months every year simply walking and standing was painful. Exercising was out of the question. Over the course of the next 10 years I tried every conventional therapy from drugs to osteopathic adjustments to chiropractic treatments in an effort to improve my ability to move and enjoy life, but nothing worked. Then my primary care physician suffered an injury and when he found Synergy Massage helped him recover, he set me up with an appointment and the result has been simply incredible. To be sure massage therapy hasn't cured my back ailment, it's likely nothing can, but I have not had a single episode of intense, debilitating pain since beginning massage therapy over a year ago and my range of motion and tolerance of exercise has improved to allow me to become more active and start to lose some of the weight I gained while I was so severely limited due to recurrent pain. Missy is always professional, fits me into her busy schedule, and adjusts my massages to help with what I've experienced since my previous appointment. I highly recommend Synergy Massage to anyone seeking relief from lower back pain.
Steve Z. - Des Moines, IA
Over 10 years ago, I had gotten into a car accident, leaving me with nerve damage. As a result, I have pain in my neck and shoulders on a daily basis. When I first came to Missy at Synergy Massage several years ago, I came with optimism. Now when I say with optimism, I mean desperation. I have tried almost everything and was willing to try anything. I have been around the world with many experiences. This would include Thai massage, Chinese massage, chiropractors, and even accupuncture. All were good, but nothing can compare to Missy. It's one thing to say she's a great massage therapist, it another to say that she truly knows the human body. Usually my sessions are two hours at a time, although it feels as if it were only 20 minutes. Her service is nothing less than exceptional. It amazes me how she keeps her momentum and strength throughout my entire massage. I would highly recommend Synergy Massage to anyone.
Sone X.- Des Moines, IA
I am a runner as well as an aerobics instructor so I always have sore muscles. Missy does an excellent job of keeping me injury free and feeling great. She always asks if i have any problem areas and knows what to do to work the kinks out and keep me running.
Debbie F. - Urbandale, IA
Contact Me
To set up an appointment, or for questions or concerns, I can be reached at 515-240-0333. I am not available Sundays or Mondays.
Please fill out the form below to be added to my client list or if you would like to be contacted to set up an appointment.